APIEx Symposium 2023 - Exploring the Dispute Resolution Process: A View from the Bench and a Cross-examination Workshop

Event Date

From Tuesday 21 Nov 2023 - 09:00 AM To Tuesday 21 Nov 2023 - 05:30 PM


NTUC Centre, Room 903, Level 9, One Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018989


See Event Outline

Practice Area

Civil Procedure

Training Level


Public CPD Points


Event Outline

This event is organized by Asia Pacific Institute of Experts (APIEX). Kannan Ramesh J will address the 2021 Rules of Court, how these rules impact the practice/utility of expert evidence and the ethical aspects of expert evidence. 2 ensuing panels discuss alternative dispute resolution in general and dive into the ethical considerations of expert evidence. In the workshop, counsel and expert participants prepare for/undertake a cross-examination on a financial problem in international arbitration and receive personalised guidance from senior practitioners.

Event Link

Event Attachment
