How Climate Change is Reshaping Corporate Law and Governance: Asian and Global Perspectives

Event Date

From Thursday 11 Apr 2024 - 04:00 PM To Thursday 11 Apr 2024 - 06:00 PM


Level 4, Function Lounge Yong Pung How School of Law Singapore Management University 55 Armenian Street Singapore 179943


Singapore Management University

Practice Area

Corporate / Commercial

Training Level


Public CPD Points


Event Outline

The world has come to recognize that climate change is an issue of global importance. Companies are widely seen to be at the core of both the problems and solutions for climate change, resulting in a fundamental rethinking of corporate law and governance in Asia and globally. This seminar will illuminate how global sustainability movement is reshaping corporate law and governance by drawing on cutting-edge research from foremost thought-leaders on corporate law, governance, and sustainability.

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