FAQs for Lawyers
1. What are CPD Requirements?
A: The term ‘CPD Requirements’ is defined in the CPD Rules 2012 and includes the obligation to undertake CPD Activities (i.e. obtain CPD Points), keep proper records of CPD Activities undertaken, submit to verification of compliance with the CPD Requirements etc.
2. What are the CPD Points Requirements for this CPD Year?
A: For CPD Year 2025, between 1 January 2025 and 31 December 2025 (both dates inclusive):
Group 3 Lawyers
Group 2 Lawyers
Group 1 Lawyers
s36B Foreign Lawyers
Holding a Practising Certificate or foreign practitioner certificate for more than 8 months
Will need to obtain 7* CPD Points. At least 3.5 must be Public CPD Points.
Will need to obtain 10* CPD Points. At least 5 must be Public CPD Points.#
Will need to obtain 16* CPD Points. At least 8 must be Public CPD Points.#
Will need to obtain 10* CPD Points. At least 5 must be Public CPD Points.
#No more than 5 CPD Points may be from teaching.
#No more than 8 CPD Points may be from teaching.
*Must include 3 MEC Points, at least 1.5 of which must be Public MEC Points.
Holding a Practising Certificate or foreign practitioner certificate for more than 5 months up to 8 months
Will need to obtain 3.5 CPD Points. At least 2 must be Public CPD Points.
Will need to obtain 5 CPD Points. At least 2.5 must be Public CPD Points.
Will need to obtain 8 CPD Points. At least 4 must be Public CPD Points.
Will need to obtain 5 CPD Points. At least 2.5 must be Public CPD Points.
Holding a Practising Certificate or foreign practitioner certificate for 5 months or less
Do not need to obtain any minimum CPD Points.
3. What are MEC Points and how do I obtain them?
A: Mandatory Ethics Component Points, or “MEC Points”, may be obtained from undertaking CPD Activities on ethics and professional standards, whether they are standalone activities on this topic, or activities which embed segments on the same. MEC points are a subset of CPD Points, i.e., the minimum MEC Points required are out of, not in addition to, the total number of CPD Points required. Any MEC Points you obtain for a given CPD Year will also count towards your total CPD Points Requirements for that CPD Year.
Public MEC Points may be obtained from undertaking Accredited CPD Activities on MEC topics. The number of Public MEC Points which may be obtained will be set out in the event’s publicity materials along with the total number of Public CPD Points for that activity. Accredited CPD Activities from which Public MEC Points can be obtained are listed on CALAS. You may use the “MEC” filter to search for activities accredited with Public MEC Points.
You may obtain Private MEC Points for undertaking eligible non-accredited CPD activities on MEC topics, such as watching a video on managing cashflow for law practices, or attending an in-house seminar on the Legal Profession (Professional Conduct) Rules. For more information on the MEC requirements, please see the MEC Guidelines 2024.
4. Must all advocates and solicitors fulfil CPD Points Requirements?
A: All advocates and solicitors (including locum solicitors) admitted to the Singapore Bar who hold a Singapore Practising Certificate for more than 5 months between 1 January and 31 December of a particular year must fulfil CPD Points Requirements for that year. Lawyers who do not hold a Singapore Practising Certificate do not have to fulfil CPD Points Requirements. However, they may still need to fulfil other CPD requirements as defined in Rule 2 of the CPD Rules 2012.
5. Must foreign lawyers registered under the Legal Profession Act fulfil CPD Points Requirements?
A: Foreign lawyers registered under section 36B of the Legal Profession Act 1966 who hold a foreign practitioner certificate for more than 5 months between 1 January and 31 December of a particular year must fulfil CPD Points Requirements for that year.
6. Do solicitors registered under s36E of the Legal Profession Act have CPD Points Requirements?
A: Solicitors registered under s36E of the Legal Profession Act 1966 who are advocates and solicitors admitted to the Singapore Bar and holding Singapore Practising Certificates have CPD Points Requirements. Such solicitors will need to meet the CPD Points Requirements of Group 1, Group 2 or Group 3 Lawyers depending on the date of their admission to the Singapore Bar.
7. Do I still need to fulfil CPD Requirements if I am leaving private practice?
A: If you are an advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court and held your Practising Certificate for period of more than 5 months before leaving practice, or if you are a foreign lawyer registered under section 36B of the Legal Profession Act and held your foreign practitioner certificate for a period of more than 5 months in that CPD Year (which runs from 1 January to 31 December), you are subject to CPD Requirements (including CPD Points Requirements) for that CPD Year as set out in the CPD Rules 2012, even if you do not intend to renew your Practising Certificate / foreign practitioner certificate for the next practice year.
8. If I am admitted to the Singapore Bar and intending to re-join practice, how will the CPD Points Requirements apply to me?
A: The quantum of your CPD Points Requirements will depend on the cumulative period over which you would have held your Practising Certificate in the CPD Year. By way of example, if, during the course of CPD Year 2025, you only take out a Practising Certificate on or after 1 August 2025, and you did not have a Practising Certificate in force between 1 January 2025 until then, you will generally not need to meet any minimum CPD Points Requirements for CPD Year 2025 since you would have held your Practising Certificate for less than 5 months over the course of CPD Year 2025.
9. Where are the Accredited CPD Activities and their details listed?
A: Accredited CPD Activities and their details are listed on the Calendar of Accredited Learning Activities (CALAS) at the SILE CPD Centre website. You may click on the individual activity which interests you to find more details about the activity, including the registration procedures and fees payable (if any).
10. Are the events reflected on the CALAS fixed for the year?
A: No. CALAS is updated progressively as CPD Activities are accredited during the year. Do check CALAS regularly to keep up to date on the latest Accredited CPD Activities available. You may also choose to receive regular email updates of Accredited CPD Activities through your ePortfolio account, under the “Personal Settings> Subscription” tab. You can also opt to only be notified of Accredited CPD Activities covering specific topics which are of interest to you.
11. How do I know whether the activities are accredited by SILE?
A: Activities accredited by SILE will be reflected on CALAS. They will also bear the SILE’s Accredited CPD Activity logo together with other details including the SILE’s Attendance Policy. If you are unsure whether an activity is accredited by SILE, please write to us to enquire.
12. Within a single CPD Year, can I claim CPD Points for CPD Activities which I attended prior to taking out a Singapore Practising Certificate (or foreign practitioner certificate, as the case may be) but after I have been called, in order to fulfil CPD Points Requirements I may subsequently have for that year?
A: Yes. If you have already been admitted as an advocate and solicitor, you may obtain CPD Points for CPD Activities which you undertake in that part of a CPD Year during which you are not holding a Singapore Practising Certificate (or foreign practitioner certificate, as the case may be) in order to fulfil your CPD Points Requirements for that CPD Year.
13. What do I need to do to 'claim' Private CPD Points?
A: You may claim/obtain Private CPD Points for undertaking or attending an activity if the activity meets the criteria for CPD Activities under the CPD Rules and CPD Guidelines in force for the relevant CPD Year. You must have complied with the Attendance Policy, if applicable, and should retain evidence of your participation in the CPD Activity. CPD Points are not 'awarded' by the Institute as the CPD scheme relies to a large extent on an honour system. You will need to make an appropriate declaration when you apply for a Singapore Practising Certificate the following year. You may also be subject to an audit of your compliance with the CPD scheme. For more information on obtaining Private CPD Points, click here.
14. Can I use the CPD Points obtained this year to count towards my CPD Points Requirements for another year?
A: No, CPD Points obtained this year cannot be applied towards the next CPD Year. The CPD Points Requirements represent the minimum expected of lawyers. As such, you may not carry over excess CPD Points obtained in one CPD Year to another.
15. Why am I considered a Group 1 Lawyer under the SILE CPD Scheme when I am an Ordinary 2 lawyer for the purposes of SAL membership? / Why am I considered a Group 2 Lawyer under the SILE CPD Scheme when I am an Ordinary 3 lawyer for the purposes of SAL membership?
A: Your CPD Points Requirements are based on the number of years’ standing you have as an advocate and solicitor as at 1 January. This is based on your date of admission to the Singapore Bar. Lawyers who were appointed Legal Service Officers prior to being admitted to the Singapore Bar may therefore fall under different categories under SAL’s membership structure and under the SILE CPD Scheme.