CPD Points by Teaching
Apart from the CPD Activities listed at Public CPD points and Private CPD points, lawyers will be able to obtain CPD Points for speaking, teaching or participating in a panel discussion in any conference, lecture, seminar or workshop which deals primarily with matters relating to the practice of law.
A lawyer will obtain Public CPD Points for speaking/teaching at an Accredited CPD Activity, and Private CPD Points for speaking/teaching at a non-accredited CPD Activity which deals primarily with matters relating to the practice of law.
Lawyers will not obtain CPD Points for teaching non-legal learning activities e.g. financial literacy, office productivity and computer literacy.
CPD Points may only be obtained for speaking at a ‘live’ learning activity only. No CPD Points may be obtained for time or effort expended in making a video recording of a learning activity or preparing the materials for a learning activity.
In general, a lawyer will obtain 3 CPD Points for each hour in which he/she is engaged as a speaker, trainer or member of a panel discussion. (This is in contrast to 1 CPD point for each hour for which a lawyer attends a CPD activity as a learner.) The minimum engagement period shall be 20 minutes (excluding breaks) out of a minimum activity duration of 1 hour (excluding breaks), for which the lawyer shall obtain 1 CPD Point. For a panel discussion, the duration of the entire discussion shall last at least 20 minutes and the total activity duration shall be at least 1 hour. Each panellist will obtain CPD Points corresponding to the duration of the entire discussion.